I am trying to work out if it is the charts or if age is beginning to have it's effects. I've had to order a magnifying glass as it is getting very difficult to distinguish the half stitch symbols on some of these charts. I suppose it happens to the best of us and I expect the boys will have a field day when they find out. Mums are not allowed to get old!
Oh, and I had to buy some linen to redo my blackwork sampler. Yes, I've made a booboo. When I started, I had the fabric ready to stitch right way round. Then something in my brain told me to turn the fabric around so the selvedge was at the side as it felt neater. All well and good, but it meant that it was now the wrong way round. The full design will not fit that way. At least it is only 3 days stitching I have to redo. I will probably use what I have already stitched for cards, so not all is lost.
I have done something right today though. I have finished the front of D's jumper, even though the rugby Challenge Cup Final did get a bit distracting. I like the 2x2 rib especially as D is quite narrow around the hips. It just seems to suit him better. I have also managed to knit quite a bit of the back. If I can finish knitting the back tomorrow, I'll be quite pleased.

This week I have stuck to my resolution of doing one thread a day on the pansy cross stitch and on the tapestry. Tomorrow I will post update photos.
Argh! Like you say, at least you realised now, and you can salvage what you have done.
Retail therapy? LOL This is great - I'll pass it on to my daughters. Also, I will try to practice the "one thread per day" thing. That might work.
I love the jumper, good work! I like your idea of one thread a day too...I'm going to put that one to use too. I knit too but it's still too hot here in Texas to do any knitting. I wait until Fall to do that. It's still in the 90's over here. Hugs, Linda
retail therapy sounds good to me....an't wait to get that first pay packet!!
Retail Therapy is always good - should be available on the NHS! LOL
Oh what a shame about the sampler (((((hugs))))). What you've done will make great cards & I hope you manage to catch up OK.
Love the jumper. Still astounds me just how fast you knit. :0)
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