I started with cretan stitch and it's variations and basically it's a doodle piece. I love the effect this stitch has when layered.
The fabric is from a Stef Francis experimental pack and is hand dyed hessian. I also used her hand dyed varigated silk and rayon threads. In the experimental pack, there was some copper wire and dyed jute scrim. Although I didn't add any of this to the embroidery, I did use some of the strands for stitching with.
I added my initials and the year in copper wire which was couched with knotted cretan stitch.
Here is beaded cretan stitch. Found it was great for these flat beads.
As the hessian is quite an openweave fabric, I used some ribbon to do some stiching.
I'm not used to doing random stitching but have liked seeing other peoples embroideries, so I decided to just let the needle roam. By the time I had finished I had a sore finger, so it's back to the knitting this evening.
I have managed to make a start on the front of D's jumper, so I hope to make good headway on it this evening.
I just left a comment on your flickr account but fond your blog via your stitchin fingrs page. I wanted to say this is a great interpretation of creten stitch
I do like this piece - the rows of stitches reminds me of coral. Like how you've incorporated the copper wire too - very novel. :0)
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