I've been privileged to have been nominated for a couple of awards this week.
The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated.
The blogs I nominate for this are:
There are so many blogs out there that I visit daily and I enjoy. Very hard to to get down to just 7.
The other is from Patty http://pipstitch.blogspot.com/
I would like to pass this one to:
I really appreciate everyone that comes to visit and leave a comment. Some have been a real encouragement to me and one especially, though she doesn't know it yet, has in a little way been a "mother" to me. She has given me the little boost of confidence you sometimes need, to know that you are doing something right.

Thanks for "lovin' my blog"! I have passed the award on to some newer blogs I've been visiting. My internet provider has been acting up, so it took a while to get everyones name and blog site in correctly...blogger can be such a bear!
OMIG!You've graced me with not one, but TWO awards?!I am SO tickled, and send you many thanks!And thanks for your always nice comments you leave on my blog...I love to know what you and the boys are up to!
I'll try to now learn how to put the award boxes on my blog and pass them on...
you are special !
thanks so much for these awards, I really appreciate it. It may take me a while to pass them on but I will, promise!
Well deserved award - love to visit & see all of your projects. :0)
Oh Wow, many thanks for my award (((((hugs))))). :0)
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