I was doing so well last night with D's jumper. I finished the first sleeve and was ready to get stuck into the second one. I knitted to the end of the ball and then found, I had no more. How frustrating that is! I now have to wait until Friday until I can go and get some more.
This is how far I managed to get done.
I did my last green CQ block today for TAST. The stitch this week is barred chain stitch and alternating barred chain stitch. This one took a bit of practice to get, but once I got the rhythm, it wasn't too bad. Definitely a stitch with plenty of potential.
This is the finished block. The photo is not that clear, sorry. On the close up, it's easier to see the stitches.
I used barred chain stitch on one seam, another had two layers of barred chain stitch. The last seam I used alternating chain stitch.
Next week is a free week, so as long as I can get the materials I need in time, I will use next week to make all these blocks into a lap quilt.
Once I had finished stitching this weeks block, I thought I would get my blackwork piece ready for a SAL at the weekend. Just as well I did, as I found that the packet had come open, and I was missing the thread for stitching. I will have to try and find a replacement on Friday.
As I couldn't do that, I then decided to get out the cross stitch UFO out for the SAL on Stitchin Fingers. I was trying to work out where I was on the pattern for about ten minutes, then came a flash of inspiration.

I turned the stitching the other way up, and it was so obvious. I had been wondering how I could have got it so wrong.
Having sorted that out, I sat down to stitch only to find I didn't have the correct threads. This may have explained how it became an UFO in the first place. However, I am determined to remedy the situation later this week. So,although,full of good intentions, nothing achieved!
This evening I will start another knitting project. It will be a jumper for me. Details will follow tomorrow.