Boys had ice skating Friday, and as they are on the ice for two hours, my knitting went along with me.
I made good progress on the baby blanket. I finished the other border and got all the stiches back onto the needle ready to do the top border. It felt really good to get to that stage, felt I was nearing the end, and that was my aim for the day, to get it finished that day!
After ice skating, we had to go to the train station. The boys were going to stay with their dad for the weekend. D did a row of his knitting while we were waiting for the train and then another on the train. He said it was his own Knit In Public day as he was going to miss Saturday. Here he is knitting on the train.

And I was sat next to him doing mine. What a pair we make!
I managed to do a few more rows while I was waiting for the train to come home, but the train was too crowded to get my knitting out. Think I may have caused someone and injury if I had attempted to get the needles out.
As I was determined to get the blanket finished that night, I came home and carried on with my knitting. Hence no blog Friday.
I managed to finish the knitting and then completed sewing the borders and finishing all the ends. I'll post some pictures later on so you can see the finished article.
Saturday I was up early again so managed to get the housework done. It meant I could go out and enjoy the Knit in Public day with a clear conscience.
I had never been to Crystal Peaks before and had never met the group of people that were going to be at O'Briens cafe. I am quite naturally shy, so it was a great effort to go and find them, and I was so glad I did. They were a lovely group of people and I was made to feel so welcome. I think they were impressed I had come from the other side of Sheffield to meet them.
They have a regular knitting group on a Thursday and I may try and see if we can get there every other week (boys won't want to miss swimming). They said the boys would be more than welcome and it would be great for D to see other people knitting too. I am hoping that J may get interested as there is a lady who is left handed in the group. Hoping she might be willing to show him how to do it. I'll ask him when he comes home if he would like to try.
This group of ladies regularly knit for the Special Baby Care Unit. I thought it may be a nice idea for D to do something for them once he becomes more competant. Once I have finished the baby set I am doing now, I think I may knit a jacket to go to them and maybe another blanket like I have just done.
It was lovely to sit with them yesterday and enjoy four hours knitting with them. We did have some lovely comments from members of the public which made the event worthwhile.
I was very happy to start and complete the hat that goes with the baby set I am doing. All it needs now is to be sewn together. It reminded me how small newborn babies are!
As I have a quiet day before the boys come home, I'm hoping to make good progress on the jacket. I'll post pictures and an update of what today has brought later on.
To all those that took part yesterday, hope you had as much fun as I did. From some of the blogs I have read this morning, the day seemed to be a great success, and here's to the next year.
Hi, the uk swap can be found on Ravelry and here:
I think sign-ups are closed for this round but there is sure to be another one!
Now I know what KIP is LOL. What a great idea!
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