It was a good day for stitching today. I was able to spend a good amount of uninterrupted time on it.
The top corner is now complete and then I moved down to the side and below the house. I now have three corners of the cross stitch marked out. I feel now that I am on the second half of the project but in reality, I have a bit more than half to do.
Isn't it hard to see big changes in a cross stitch when you can't sit and stitch for a long period! Yours looks awesome!
Hi Miss 376,
Thank you for viziting my blog and commenting on my work.
I like the picture you are working on now very much! It is so bright and cute.
I used to knit a lot so I can see that you love knitting and you are very good at it.
Have a nice weekend,
Bet you're glad to get onto another colour now. :0) It's coming on great.
Thanks for visitng my blog. I love the Clarice Cliff picture, it'll be lovely when its finished.
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