I haven't done amy patchwork for many years and never crazy patchwork. This is my first attempt and I know it's not perfect, but I have learned a couple of lessons.

First lesson was to take a picture of the position of the pattern pieces before you cut them out. Even though I thought I had numbered them and knew exactly where they went, once they were ready to stitch, I had totally forgotten.
The second was to work out the position of the pieces before cutting the fabric to get more variety. I thought by making sure the numbers were well separated I'd be ok, but as you see, they ended up next to each other.
Never mind, it has given me a piece to embellish and work with, and either tomorrow or Tuesday I will be shopping for ribbon and threads.
D has drawn me some more patterns for other panels so I will get plenty of practice to do more. Eventually, they will all go together and be quilted I think, which means that it will keep J happy.
Once that was done, I was able to get back to do a bit more of the cross stitch. I did finish the green I was working on, but now, I'm stiching in green! A different shade though. I'm hoping to get this corner finished tonight before I go to bed or tomorrow.

I think I must be a glutton for punishment, I have also signed up to the hand embroidery yahoo group. There is a summer embroidery challenge. I have some flowers to embroider. I think I will put them on panels and incorporate them into the quilt.
I have lots of ideas, just need the direction and guidance to develop the ideas.
Hi - thanks for the comment on my blog. I love the Clarence Cliff xstitch. are you doing the stitchalong as well as take a stitch tuesday at stitchin fingers? you sound like me - too many ideas, not enough time!
OOh, i haven't seen that, might have a look or maybe common sense may set in. Supposed to be starting an Open Univeristy course in September
Clarice is coming along well. Will watch the developing crazy patchwork project with interest. :0)
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