This afternoon I was able to start knitting the cardigan for my friends little girl.
I am using white chunky wool that was frogged from another jumper, so long ago now, that I can't remember why or what it was.
I think I have enough to do a jumper and cardigan for her. It was decided that I would do the cardigan first-the needles I needed for the jumper had another jumper already on them! I will get another pair later in the week as I don't fancy having to keep transfering the other yarn from needle to needle holder.
I have managed to knit the back and one of the fronts today. It is lovely to do a jumper that is done in row counts and not inches-or cms if I'm being metric. It grows so quickly. Hopefully I will be able to finish it tomorrow.

Pattern-King Cole Chunky No 2492

Some good things came out of sorting out my sewing basket and tin yesterday. I have now put all the reels of cotton into the tin, and all the other pins, needles and other bits are in the basket. No more tangles. I also found enough buttons to put on the baby jacket I completed last month.
Your knitting work is so beautiful. I love admiring the knitting of others since I am a knitting klutz and stick to real easy projects!
I also want to thank you for your kind words of encouragement on my blog.I love how the internet has proven that it's a small world after all!
Hmmm - multiple sets of needles. It's a slippery slope - ask me how I know!
Lovely work.
Sounds like you are a very fast knitter.
Can I ask how many knitting projects do you have at any one time? :-)
How much more time would we have if it wasn't for the dreaded "H" word - waaaay more! That'll be a lovely jumper - can't believe just how fast you knit though! :0)
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