I managed to get back to the knitting by late morning. I only had to finish knitting the neck today and I thought I was nearly finished. I had forgotten eight inches of neck is a lot!
However, mid afternoon, it had been knitted and the top sewn up. I couldn't get you a picture of it on as my co-photographer is away.

So that is one item to be crossed of the list and I have made a start on another project, one I had forgotten to put on the list. Seem to be adding to it faster than crossing them off.
Here you can see all the materials together for the next project. It is for the needlepoint project on Stitchin Fingers. The aim is for it to be finished by the end of August, but I want to use the frame so want to do it now. And I enjoy needlepoint.

I will post a picture tomorrow but I have done all the borders today. The borders are stitched using Rowan 4 ply cotton in tent stitch. The other threads I am using are from Braintree Working Silk Museum. I had these in my stash and all work together well.
There are three shades of pink-dark 2047, medium 2032, and light 2037, and three shades of green-dark 2003, medium 2008 and light 2049.
I am looking forward to working the different stitches and will share them with you as I go along.
So here is the To-Do list as it stands now
2 crazy patchwork squares for Take a Stich Tuesdays
2 flowers from the Summer Stitching Challenge
Finish the Firefly cowl neck top-Done
A cardigan or jumper for a friend's daughter who will be four next week-have yarn and pattern
Make a start on a jumper for D-have yarn and pattern
Finish the Clarice Cliffe cross stich
Repair and adjust fire Screen
Stitchin Fingers Needlepoint-started
You are going to be be busy!!! Glad you finished the cowl neck top. I'm looking forward to seeing this new project... the colours look nice.
That's a really nice top. I can see the needles are going to be flying in your house these next few weeks.
The top looks lovely & well done on finishing a goal. :0)
Looking forward to seeing the needlepoint piece -the colours are nice. :0)
Your list looks even longer than mine. Few months ago I gave away my balls of Firefly to my mum, because I couldn't think of anything to make out of them (got them in the charity shop for almost nothing). After looking at your photos I wish I still had it.
Your cowl is lovely!
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