Zetor has done me the honour of awarding me this. I was really surprised by the words she used in her blog as I do not think that what I do is anything exceptional. I am truly honoured.
I would like to honour the following people. These have blogs that I try to follow on a daily basis.
Cherly's Chatelaine for her wonderful craftwork and the beautiful photos she shares of her surroundings.
Manx Girl She stitches some beautiful quilts
Carolina Arts for her beautiful wildlife photography and crafts
Folk Art at Old Crow Farm for the way she shares her rug making skills, it has been a pleasure to watch this design from the beginning.
Well done on the award - well deserved. :0)
Thank you so much for passing on the award. And I have been thoroughly enjoying your blog as well. Isn't the internet wonderful!
It's has been instrumental in refueling my enthusiasm in embroidery and other crafts. Given me a much needed boost
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