All the seams were over stitched using chevron stitch, the diagonal seams in one colour and the horizontal ones in two contrasting threads.
This is a piece cut out of lace that was in my mother's sewing tin fixed with a button out of her button tin. I then used two lines of chevron stitch to outline and fix into place.

These red buttons were also out of the tin and are outlined by chevron stitch. The straight lines fall just under the edge of the buttons.

My favourite piece is this heart. I used some flat cording to form the shape and just used a few stitches to hold it in place. I then used chevron stitch to secure and outline it.

Here it is in all it's glory..

Today has been a really productive day and I can go to bed satisfied and ready for another day tomorrow.
An update on the to-list
2 crazy patchwork squares for Take a Stich Tuesdays-one completed
2 flowers from the Summer Stitching Challenge
Finish the Firefly cowl neck top-Done
A cardigan or jumper for a friend's daughter who will be four next week-have yarn and pattern-now have the size
Make a start on a jumper for D-have yarn and pattern
Finish the Clarice Cliffe cross stich
Repair and adjust fire Screen
Stitchin Fingers Needlepoint-WIP, waiting for supplies
I think tomorrow I will make the next crazy patchwork block ready for the stitch on Tuesday and do the rose, the next flower of the summer stitching challenge.
Another very pretty patchwork piece. Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's project is. :0)
Very lovely work!
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