It was almost too warm this afternoon for stitching, so I decided to go out in the garage and sort out my embroidery frames and stands. This is when I became reunited with my Opus Floor Stand-and what a difference it made.

With the stiching in the frame, it meant I could stitch using both hands. That certainly made for quicker progress.
I was absolutely determined the cross stitching was going to be completed tonight before going to bed.
Here it is

I owe D a cuddle tomorrow for letting me do this. Wonder if it will be before or after the backstitching.
The Clarice Cliff looks great, that reminds me I have a floor stand for my frame somewhere.... I think I'll have a search in my garage later too.
WTG on finishing the cross stitch - hope there isn't much backstitch to do. :0)
There is loads, which is why I've had a break from it for a couple of days. Want to have a clear run at it
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