Thanks to Gaynor's ( generosity, I am a happy owner of some
pergamano tools and pens. I thought it was about time I got them out and used them. I spent a very pleasant morning colouring and drawing.

I have never used colour with
pergamano before, which is hardly surprising as I have only ever done one card previously, so it was rather experimental. It's been a good way of using a lot of the cards I had in my box.
I have lots more to try, but D was nagging at me to let him have a go. It gave us an hour or so of peace and quiet as he was concentrating so much.
I think it is now time to concentrate on my exchanges and RR that need to be completed by the end of the month.
I do love the look of Pergamano -your cards are very pretty, you've picked it up very quickly. :0)
Watch the pos...I still cant find the sicissors ( me and my 'safe places) but I have found another little something you will like ;-)
Sorry..didnt have my glasses on and was meant to be filling in forms when I peeked onto the internet lol. Meant to say, watch out for post...and sicissors should be scissors lol
These look really effective - and they keep children quiet too!
They are absolutely gorgeous! So delicate and gentle!
Ooh, they're beautiful! And I love that D got involved too :)
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