There was some fabric left from making the bag and I didn't want it to go to waste, so I decided to make a bell pull.

This is another first for me, and it didn't turn out too badly, although there were lessons learned for the next one.

The fabric that it is resting on, is the fabric used for the backing. I have quilted around each of the picture motifs, so have kept it very simple.
I think this would look great filling up a little bit of wall space in a kitchen.
Good job using up the leftovers! :0)
A very clever use of what was lying around. I like the colors.
This is a wonderful piece for the kitchen and so nice to be able to use leftovers constructively. I hope your back continues to improve.
This is lovely, Jane. I'd love to do a bell pull one day; in fact I've earmarked a couple in various books, but whether I'll ever get around to making one is another thing. Mind you, the ones I'm contemplating are all cross stitch. This one looks like you've taken the easy way out and just used printed fabrics - clever girl!
That turned out really well. the quilting stitches really add to it I think.
this would look great in a kitchen!
Cute, cute for the kitchen!
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