As I had plenty of the yellow bubbly yarn, I did this long sleeve tie cardigan. A short sleeved version is already on the needles.
This one is going a bit slower. I don't know what I have done, but I have a bad back which is interfering with everything I do. Hopefully, normal service will resume soon. I have a few exchanges to do this month, so I need to be able to get back to full steam ahead.
Another very pretty piece.
Backs are so touchy. Mine acts up periodically also and I'm never sure what I did to cause a problem. Sometimes I think a sneeze can do it.
Take care and hope your back starts behaving soon.
It's lovely and so nice to have something you can do for a quick finish! :0)
It's adorable. I love the texture.
that is so cute!! If I was knitting baby clothes I would be so broody!! Hope your back improves soon x
So cute! I hope the back starts feeling better quickly :)
It looks so beautiful!
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