I did do a little more on
Lakeland this morning, but it was very little. It was so dull and grey the light was too bad to see the correct colours. In fact, the best part of today was the sunrise. There was a beautiful red sky and I just had to go and stand outside to admire it.
As the light was bad, it was back to the cross stitch. It didn't take too long to finish this cross stitch so now it is all ready for finishing. I will have a look through the fabric I have and see if I have anything suitable for the backing and make it into a wall hanging.

Some time ago, I inherited a lot of stitching materials. kits and magazines from a lady that I used to care for. She suffers from
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and as the disease progressed, she was unable to keep stitching so she gave me all her supplies so they wouldn't go to waste.
Amongst the items was the full collection of Discovering Needlecraft magazine. They have hardly been used and I have always promised myself a tour through them all. I felt that it was the only way I could repay my friend for her generosity.
As I had a bit of time this evening, I got out issue one and this is the free gift almost completed. It will be a pot
pourri holder with a lace edging.

This magazine really explores some of the different uses for basic embroidery stitches. In issue one, it explores satin stitch and I am looking forward to trying out some different techniques.
I am hoping that tomorrow I will have time to get the sewing machine out. These two items will need to be completed and I would like to make a start on some fabric postcards. Unfortunately, I have to take the boys to town and the library first.