I was so proud of my crocheted button border and loops. I'm not sure if they are correct, but it certainly does the job and it stays buttoned up, so I'm happy.

My crochet skills should improve in a couple of weeks. I am booked in to do an hour session to learn how to follow patterns and to do finishing on knitted garments. Hopefully after that, I can actually make some crocheted items.
Now I am beginning to feel on top of things a bit more, I need to get cracking and catch up with a Round Robin and a mail art envelope. I've made a start on the RR, just have to see how much can be done over the weekend.
I know how you feel...I want to be doing things but then cant concentrate on anything for very long. Lovely little blue things though...I almost feel broody..nopo... that is just sicky..taught X how to estimate adn tally using mini chocolate eggs lol. He learnt, I ate, seemed a fair swap lol
Love it!!
That's an adorable set. Glad you're feeling well enough to get those needles clicking.
I have been looking for a good pattern for baby socks to knit for the oodles of friends who are pregnant. What pattern did you use? It's just what I'm looking for.
Oh how sweet. Makes me feel all broody
Thank g-d it doesn't make me feel broody but they sure are cute! Lots of Love Patti xxx
These are very cute - I did loads of knitting last year but not done any for ages. I do feel the urge to get the needles out again and I have friends who have just had a baby so have a good excuse. So many projects so little time!
So glad your feeling better,I used to knit a lot especially for my g/kids and now with my first great grandchild due in October maybe I'll get the needles out again (if I can find them)
Your knitted items are lovely. You really should have an Etsy shop or Art Fire shop to sell them. You knit quickly and beautifully. Glad you are feeling better.
Oh, this is an adorable set! I love pattern you used!So delicate!
That is the most beautiful set, Jane. The crocheted border looks lovely.
Oh these are so cute. Glad your health is improving. :0)
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