Everything went so smoothly yesterday, all the baking was done by 11 o'clock. Even the ironing was done and washing done.
This left me clear to finish part one of "an important flower". The next part is released in April, so this will go away for a few weeks.
Today I will get to the library and get Alla Turca printed out and hopefully do that this week.
I have got a list of projects to do. I did the fatal thing of looking through a couple of magazines and found things to do.
I have one more item to stitch and finish for the food and drink exchange this month so that will be a priority. I want to cross stitch some banding to finish some shelf edging in the kitchen and do a honeysuckle cushion for my bedroom.
One good thing came from the magazine browsing, I have got a template and instructions for a stitched envelope(needed for an exchange next month). I have also seen a pattern for a table cloth to embroider. I just have to decide if I will do this from scratch, complete with scalloped edging, or buy a ready made plain tablecloth stitch.
I think these two magazines will keep me busy for some time.
You have been productive. this crossstitch is very interesting - one colour work can be very eyecatching.
A lovely, pretty stitched flower. I always make that error of browsing magazines and adding to my ever growing "To Do" list!!
Thak you for your comments on my blog. I just love your 'Important flower'stitching.
I think you are a person after my own heart,especially after looking at your blog and the other blogs you read.
Happy stitching.
Wow....you never cease to amaze me!
Flower looks great - definitely going on my Must Stitch pile. Sounds like you're going to be even busier in the coming weeks with those plans. :0)
You are going to be busy and I'm afraid I may be adding to your tasks, lol! I have posted the Apricot Jam recipe today, hope you like it.
oductivity astounds me and time to bake and iron too!
Hope those boys didn't eat all the cake.
The "important flower" is very nice and you have stitched this part fast!
your a very talented lady I love your work.
You have done such a lot. Wish I could say the same. But soon as my younger daughter gets out of hospital it will be all hands to the stitching that is for sure. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Glad you had a very good day! Your stitching looks gorgeous!
It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreYou Bali
The flower looks great - I really love the colour.
this is gorgeous. i love the design and the colour.
P.S. I have left you an award on my blog but you have to go there to accept it because there is stuff you have to copy from it. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Hi!! the biscuits are called Iced Gems!
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