Friday, 31 August 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012
They Just Keep Coming
Another session with the crochet hook, and I have these to add to my pile of granny squares.
By the look of the balls of yarn I have left, I may have to do some squares in solid colours, but I think they should go well with those already done. I don't have to think about that yet, there are still some different colours to add to the ever growing collection.
granny squares
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Confetti of Hardanger Part 2
When the instructions for part two came out, I had a quick look and thought, "I can't do this". When it actually came to do it, I read the instructions, looked at the stitching and reread the instructions.
Once I'd started, I realised it wasn't as hard as it looked. After an afternoon's stitching, part two is completed and I'm ready for the next instalment.
part 2,
Stitch Specialists Yahoo Group
Monday, 27 August 2012
My son was going around taking photos the other day to enter into a competition for his carnivorous plants which got me to thinking. He's taken some lovely pictures from different places, so I thought I go through them and see if we couldn't make some cards.
These were from experimenting with the paper and and printer. You'd think it would be so easy to work out which way it's all meant to go, but somehow, it took three attempts to get it right. Trouble is, I have several different sizes of photo paper, so it will be trial and error again next time.
These are two that we've done so far, now to go through his other photos and see what treasures we can find.
Sunday, 26 August 2012
The Dangers of Blog Reading
Reading blogs can be a dangerous thing. The trouble is, those who write the blogs, are generous souls, they keep showing you fun projects that you just have to make.
The other day I was reading Sue's blog. I've been visiting there for some time, and ought to know by now, that she will add more to my to do list. Sue was the one that pointed me in the direction of crumb blocks, and see where that's got me!
Anyway, back to the other day, she was talking about hexagon blocks and she put up a link to here. I was very silly and clicked, and I just had to make one.
Actually, it might not be just one. This is the perfect hand project, hexagon flower pin cushions! I love it, and I loved making it.
Thanks Sue, I shall be visiting again soon.
hexagon flowers,
hexagon pin cushion,
pin cushion
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Friday, 24 August 2012
Small Progress, Large Milestone
I only had a short time for stitching, but it has brought me to the end of the third page.
The foliage has been started at the top right, and this can only mean I'm coming to the end of the whole piece. I can now turn over to the last page. This is about a third of the size, so all being well, the stitching part of this project might soon be over.
Cross stitch,
Cross Stitch Gold,
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Back Stitching
Whenever I sat down to do the back stitching on the owl, someone would come, or would phone. By the time they'd gone, Daniel would be back home. It seemed to take ages before I could get this section finished.
It's now done and a start has been made on the foliage that goes at the top right. Just a little bit of that to cross stitch and outline, and I can turn over to the last page. It's only about a third of a page, so I'm hoping it won't take too much longer to do.
Before he went out, I did get two more crumb blocks done to add to the bag. It won't be too long and I'll decide on sashing fabric and make up a quilt. There's just a couple more projects to finish up first.
back stitch,
Cross stitch,
Cross Stitch Gold,
crumb blocks,
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Turquoise continued
For the next teal project, it was back to Kaaren and another of her First Friday Freebies
I again changed the thread colour to match, and used a piece of fabric that matches that used in the needle case.
This is perfect for anyone that loves large pin cushions, it's just like a pillow.
Thanks to Kaaren and her generosity in sharing these designs, this was so fun to stitch.
First Friday Freebie,
Rainbow scrap challenge,
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Monday, 20 August 2012
Confetti of Hardanger SAL
Another new project, as if there wasn't enough going on here, but I couldn't resist.
On the Yahoo Group, Stitch Specialists, there is a Hardanger SAL, designed by the group owner Abi Gurden. It's to learn the basics, and move on to the more complicated stitches involved in hardanger.
This is this the first section, and once the counting was done, fairly straightforward to stitch. I'm looking forward to next month.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
August Quilt
Slightly quicker off the mark than July, I've made a start on the August Small Quilt. First, one crumb block to make and add to the stack.
The August quilt is made up of small coins, but I decide to make mine longer and narrower.
It went together fairly quickly, I have the backing fabric, but just waiting for some more batting to arrive. I've managed to use up the oddments I had, so the hand quilting will have to wait.
small quilt,
small quilt talk yahoo group
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Owl Update
I've been plugging away at the owls when Daniel has been out, so it's been slow progress. The fourth owl is a lot bigger than the others, so has taken that bit longer to do.
I've done all that is on the third page of the owl, so now it's time to add some back stitch detail, and a few leaves in the upper right corner. Hopefully, I can get that done this week.
Cross stitch,
Cross Stitch Gold,
Friday, 17 August 2012
An Off Day
What do you do when you're feeling under the weather and haven't had enough sleep?
Curl up in a corner with some wool and a crochet hook.
This is the next contribution to the granny square pile, and I haven't even started on the carrier bag! There looks like there will be plenty more of these to come.
granny squares
Thursday, 16 August 2012
An Embroiderer's Ledger
I'm still adding to the Ledger and making lists of things to do from each page.
This is the cover sheet for the first page. Two strips of emulsion painted onto tissue, then water colour for the flowers and petals.
Added to the air brick page, is the arch that was cut out of the parchment. I FME all over, and just in the bottom corner, I've embellished with hand stitch. It's been mounted onto parchment vellum, and fixed below the watercolour.
For both these pages, I have a stitched project to follow, but it will take some time. In the meantime, I shall probably start on another page.
An Embroiderer's Ledger,
hand stitch,
painted tissue,
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Old Treasures
On one of my sort outs, I found some projects that needed finishing. One of them was a hardanger piece I did at a workshop held by Craftastic, our local craft shop. It was the first time I'd done hardanger, and it was great to have someone show me how easy it was.
This was the second piece I started in class. I finished it at home after buying more thread, but then it was left, it needed beads. I bought beads, but somehow, it got forgotten.
In my drive to get these odds and ends done, I got it out again, and added the beads. Like a good girl, I didn't put it away again, it went straight to the sewing table.
I sorted through my fabric, and I had just enough of the red to make it up into a wall hanging, complete with hanging sleeve.
wall hanging,
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Hitting the Jackpot
At the beginning of most days when I'm sewing, I sort out the scraps and leftovers of the day before. Sometimes I don't get anything much to show for it, sometimes one block, but some days, it's like hitting the jackpot.
This time, I got four crumb blocks big enough to cut and add to my growing pile. I can't remember getting so many at one time. I don't think it will be too long before I'll have to think about putting them together in one quilt.
I've even done the string block for this month's Rainbow Scrap Challenge and made a start on the crumb blocks.
crumb blocks,
Rainbow scrap challenge,
string block
Monday, 13 August 2012
Ready to Hang
In Full Bloom is now quilted. I kept it simple, because I can do simple. I've quilted in the ditch around all the squares and the inner border, then I went and around the appliqued circles. I've put a hanging sleeve on the back, so now it's ready to hang.
I've had it draped over the airer for a couple of days for the peg marks to drop out, so now I need to rearrange all the wall quilts and find a home for it.
hanging sleeve,
In Full Bloom,
Lynette Anderson,
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Rainbow Scrap Challenge-Aqua/Teal/ Turquoise
I love the colours chosen for this months Rainbow Scrap Challenge, but I only had three fabrics that fit into this category. It wasn't enough to do the normal blocks I do, and I didn't want to add another blue, as it would end up being the same as last month.
I decide to search through those projects I'd saved onto my computer to see if any would fit in, and I came across one of Kaaren's First Friday Freebies which was perfect to adapt to suit the fabric.

The stitching was done on plain white fabric, and I've used a piece of Warm and Natural batting for the needle keep. All I need now is add a small floss tag, and it will be complete.
There is still some of the fabric left, so I've found another one of Kaaren's patterns I've saved, which I hope to get done by the end of the month. A big thank you to Kaaren, for coming up with such lovely projects on a regular basis, they are a joy to make.
First Friday Freebie,
Rainbow scrap challenge,
sewing case,
Saturday, 11 August 2012
July Quilt
The July quilt is done. It's been hand quilted, and the backing brought to the front to bind it.
It's the first time I've bound a quilt this way, and it makes a nice change.
The quilt has been washed and dried, so now I need to do the small quilt for August. Most of the pieces have been cut, but they're still waiting to be sewn together.
Friday, 10 August 2012
Thursday, 9 August 2012
PIF Time
I had a lovely surprise yesterday when I picked up the post. There was an unexpected package from the US, from Terry.
When I opened it up there was this lovely folder inside. I love the fabric she has used,
it has a real summery feel to it. I shall really look forward to using it.
Thank you, Terry, for letting be part of your PIF.
Now I need three willing volunteers. I will send you something hand made within twelve months, probably sooner, and the only thing I ask, is that you promise to pass on the favour to someone else. Once you've recieved your gift, you then do the same for three more lucky people.
Fusion Blanket Crochet Along
I thought I'd do myself a test square, just so I knew what I was letting myself in for. After rereading the instructions, I had to take all my squares back to the sewing machine, they all needed to be top stitched!
Never mind now, it's all done, and I've done my test square. It looks so much better in real life, I can't wait to have more blocks. I think I'm going to blanket stitch and crochet as I go, it will be so much more fun seeing the pile of completed squares grow.
Fusion Blanket Crochet Along
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
That carrier bag is full of ball of wall leftover from the crocheted afghan. The bag to the right is full of partial balls, so I thought I'd put them to good use.
I'm going to make granny squares until the yarn is all gone, and I should get another afghan as a bonus. Two blocks are done, no idea how many more to come.
Art of Crochet,
granny squares,
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
We're At It Again
After doing the house blocks, Terry and I decided it would be fun to do another block together. We decided on a scrappy star block to use up some scraps, and then Terry invited some more friends along.
If you nip over to Terry's Blog, you'll see the participants in the side bar. If you click on the picture of the star block, it will take you to the pattern. If you want to join in, just let Terry know.
These are the two blocks I've made for August, I can rest now until September.
scrappy star block,
Terry's QAL
Monday, 6 August 2012
One Hundred and Twenty!
One hundred and twenty blocks joined, edged
and washed, ready to use.
As it's not quite cold enough to use yet, I have it hanging over the radiator so I can enjoy seeing the fruits of my labour over two and a bit years.
Over that time, I've learned the different stitches, how to read a pattern, and I've actually made useable items. I am looking forward to perfecting my skills with other projects in the future.
Art of Crochet,
crocheted blocks
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Having finished the top for In Full Bloom, it was time to tidy the sewing table and deal with the leftovers. I had some pieces big enough to go in my stash, lots of 21/2" squares to go in a future project, and even managed to get a crumb block.
That left the way clear to do something else, but first, the afghan.
The instructions were found, the third quarter made up and joined to the fourth quarter. That gave me two halves. These now joined together to form the whole afghan, just an edging needed to finish it.
Art of Crochet,
crumb blocks,
Friday, 3 August 2012
Another Top Done
When the list says, piece the top, it doesn't sound much, but with the pieced border, this was a good mornings work.
All the pieces are now together, and I need to shop for the backing and this will be completely finished.
I love the colours of Lynette's fabric, and will enjoy seeing this up on the wall once it's finished
In Full Bloom,
Lynette Anderson
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
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