It felt really strange coming home Friday to an empty house, it took a few hours to get used to it and for me to begin to feel as if I could enjoy the peace and quiet. The advantage is that I can keep all my working equipment out. The result is that the house looks like a bomb has landed.
My fabric trunk is open with fabric overspilling onto the floor (why is every thing you want at the bottom?), the ironing board is up (not for ironing clothes),the sewing machine is out, cutting mat is out, and there are knitting patterns everywhere.
At least I can get my hands on whatever I need without having to spend lots of time getting to it.
This is where I have got with Clarice
Cliffe. Though you might not be able to see it, the house does have a chimney. Thank goodness for black

This piece is now going to go away for a little while. I have quite a few exchange pieces to do over the next month or so, so I won't have time for this. I have to do two
biscornus, a
pin keep, a mail art envelope, a Round Robin and two prizes. I also have the threads to finish my honeysuckle cushion, so that will be done before coming back to Clarice
Friday night, I stayed up until all the knitting had been completed for my second top, so the first task for Saturday morning was to sew it together. My first finish for the day.

Some time ago, I did a lap quilt. However, the evil kitty thinks it is too good a plaything to leave alone, so I decided to make it into a
wall hanging before he completely destroys it. I am hoping he doesn't decide it is as good to jump up as the curtains!
I made some loops and attached them to the back, and then using some dowel I have hung it on the wall. I have moved it since I took the photo, I thought I'd enjoy it more than the rat would, and moved it up to the sitting end of the room.
There was another finish which I can't show you at the moment. It is for a food and drink exchange so will show you when it has arrived at it's destination.
I have prepared some decoupage sheets to make into cards. I cut them all ready and am hoping that when I delve into my card making box, I will have cards suitable. Otherwise, they will have to wait until I have been shopping.
As I had finished my top, I needed a new knitting project for the evenings. Some time ago I acquired some wool. They are 100g balls of assorted colours, so not enough to make anything for my sons or my friends daughter, so I am using them to do baby items.
I started a cardigan with a cable detail along the button bands. It is so small that I was able to complete the back and one front last night. It makes a lovely change from the big jumpers I have to do for the boys.
While the patterns were out, I have sorted out the ones that are too small for the boys and will be forwarding them on. Don't you just love giving a busy person something else to do!
Time for another cuppa and for the day to commence. Hopefully, it will be as productive as yesterday and some more items can be crossed off the list.