Saturday 22 November 2008

One down, three to go

There was a little retail therapy going on yesterday, but it was all necessary-well, nearly all. The floss is for the cross stitch poppies, the buttons for my jacket, the yarn for J's next jumper and the snow globes were an extra.

These are for the boys. There is a space for them to insert photos and as they were on special offer and I had a £3 coupon, it wasn't a back little extra to get.The buttons were duly attached and the jacket is now ready to keep me warm. Thanks to J, you also get a view of the washing drying. I didn't notice until I uploaded the picture.
After I'd sewn on the buttons it was back to B's glove. Before you ask, 'Where are the fingers?', these are fingerless. As she is small, it will only be the tips of her fingers showing.
This one just has to have the ends sewn in and the tab attached. The tabs are yet to be knitted.
Now I have three more to knit


stitchersanon said...

The jacket has turned out as nice as we expected. Well done!Gaynor

Annie said...

The jacket turned out great. You really do a nice job of finishing. And it fits unlike so many of the knitted things I have made!