Tuesday 11 October 2011

Something a little Different

Some evenings, I've managed to do a little knitting to give my fingers and brain a little rest, and slowly but surely, a jumper has appeared.
 I got this one sewn up at the weekend and then blocked it,
This was knitted using 100% organic cotton, and has three quarter length sleeves, perfect for this time of year, when there is a chill, but it's not cold.

Not sure, what else is on the list of things to do this week, but I know there are a few things waiting to be finished, and supplies for new projects to buy.


Terry said...

Very nice! That's a great color too for this time of year! :0)

Annie said...

That's a really nice sweater. I bet your slowly but surely is lightning fast compared to the rest of us!

Tudy said...

Sometimes a little work each evening get a project finished in no time at all.

Rudee said...

Nicely done. You know me, I always love to see what you're knitting.

IsDihara said...

Fabulous jumper, and perfect for this time of year. Well done!