Someone was asking to see what yarn I had acquired this week. It has been a very long time since I have bought yarn in these quantities, so it seems very strange. I think though, I will be staying away from yarn shops for a little while.
This arrived Wednesday and only cost me £36. This came from
Readicut and were their pot luck packs. They came with several free patterns too, so quite a bargain. Apart from the top pack, I know exactly what I am going to be doing with these.

Then on Friday, this bag appeared.

This is also full of yarn that was in the sale, down to 69p per ball instead of £2.29 and £2.99.
This pink one is appropriately named Party and I am knitting a girls coat. It's not the easiest of yarn to
knit with, but it will be lovely and warm. It comes up really thick. The body is shaped, so should look lovely when sewn up.
I had a fun time at John Lewis yesterday morning. It was only an hour, but it brought back the memories of when I first learned to crochet when I was about 8. I also had a practice at doing rows. This was new to me so hopefully, I can progress from blanket squares and going in rounds to actually making something. Time will tell, but at least there are two places I can go if I get stuck and need some help. Here is a picture of what I accomplished in my hour.
While at John Lewis, I bought some fabric. I now have all I need to do my applique baby quilt. Hopefully I can get at least the top done this week.
J got to go out yesterday afternoon and I did my bit of knitting in the evening. It didn't last long though because this week has been so busy and I was tired. Early night for me. So here's to today and hopefully there will be plenty of stitching and knitting going on. Just have to decide which.